What a joke. People like her and Tim Pool were never former "leftists". That's just a lie to gain credibility with their smooth brain followers.

Also your constant "both sides are the same" takes are so disingenuous. Go ahead and name the top 5 current issues both sides are fighting for. The left: women having the rights to their own body autonomy, healthcare for all, keeping our children from being murdered at school, addressing wealth disparity, housing crises

The right: keeping women from having the right to their own autonomy, attacking a marginalized group that represents about 1% of our population, and the rest is fighting culture wars that improve no ones lives. Except the bigots.

I used to respect you but now it seems you just allow yourself to get bullied around by alt-righters and then acquiesce to them. Both sides are NOT the same.

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Ashley: I know you are atheist but I would like you to consider this: “the tongue of a liar heat it’s victim” thanks ❤️

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Terrific conversation! I thought the following might be of interest to your followers, in light of your discussion about what kinds of conversations we need to be having these days:


If anyone is interested in a place where it is possible to have those kinds of conversations -- ones where the point isn't to win or change anyone's mind, but instead to better understand one another, see the humanity in one another, and find common ground, if it exists -- I'd encourage you to check out Braver Angels (www.braverangels.org).

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